About msjm

I am an enthusiastic teacher interested in embedding technology into my classroom practice. I also want to be an innovative and motivational teacher. I believe you never stop learning and would like to be able to pass this on to my students.

Mixed Fortunes

“Hello? Is anyone in there?”

When I heard no reply, I pushed open the cubicle door, locked it, lifted up my dress and sat on the seat.

“Ahh! This is the life. No Mum, No Dad and especially no whiny, clingy brothers.” My thoughts were interrupted by the swing of the creaky door.

“Excuse me? Paige, are you in here?” I ignored the sound of my brother, Liam’s voice. He knocked loudly on my door.

“Paige? Mum’s worried about you.” I stayed still with my mouth pressed shut. I heard Liam sigh.

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to tell The family that you don’t want to be there for the fortune cookie process.” I smiled. It was no secret that opening cookies was my favourite part of any Chinese meal.

“Wait, Liam. I think I’m finished now” I pulled the chain and rushed to the hand basin.

“There you are! Mum sent me in to fetch you.” I stopped.

“You do realise you’re in the woman’s…” Liam put a finger to his lips.

“Never speak of this!” I nodded,washed and dried my hands then walked out the door with Liam beside me.

“Oh look. Their’s a guy in your year” I pointed to some imaginary table in the corner. Liam quickly hid behind a nearby pot plant.

“Is he looking?” He asked. I laughed.

“Nah. I was just kidding there’s nobody there!” I giggled as Liam brushed a few leaves of his shirt.

“I knew that” he insisted.

We arrived at our table and I sat down.

“Here’s my girl!” Dad grinned

“His only girl” I reminded my six brothers, all sitting at the table. They all rolled their eyes.

“Your just in time for the cookies” one of my brothers, Justin said.

“Indeed” Mum nodded, obviously concerned. “Were you having any problems…” I sighed and rolled my eyes to stop her.

“Never mind that!” My younger brother, Will made a face. “Let’s us open COOKIES!” We all laughed and grabbed a cookie from the plate in the middle. We all read them out. Some were funny, some unconvincing. Soon it was my go. I cracked it open, peeked at the message and gasped…

What should happen next? What should the cookie say?