First we have to get something straight, I have only ever done one debate in my whole life. When I attended to Regional Final of the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking competition, a woman asked me if I would like to attend the Debating Camp after watching my impromptu speech in which I talked about the equality of Australia yet the disgusting gay marriage policies at the moment. It must have been successful because she immediately sent me the permission slips the next day. They were to have already have been handed in but I looked like I had special permission.
We went to the camp and it was super exciting. I was in the intermediate because I had once done a debate, and I didn’t struggle at all; it was enormous fun. I didn’t know anyone because I was the only person from my school there, but I saw a girl from my Freshwater Extension classes and I played with her and her friend. At the end of the camp, one of the coaches asked if I would like to come along to the representative debating trials, as they look for a few wild cards. I said a big ‘yes’ but I mainly thought it would be purely for the experience.
I went the trials the next day. We were paired into teams of two and I was the first speaker. Our topic was: “All students who fail to report bullying should be suspended.” We were affirmative. We had approximately forty-five minutes to prepare. This was easy for me and I got quite bored after fifteen minutes. I guess that when you do a lot of impromptu, it’s a change when you have a lot of time on your hands! When I delivered, I looked the adjudicators in the eye and raised my voice when it was needed. I used a lot of tricks my Dad had taught me and they must have worked. I was super excited when I made it into the REP team. I will attend the state final soon and I am so excited. They will hold four training sessions on a Wednesday, this is annoying as I also have Freshwater, however you have to pick your commitments wisely.